Thursday, October 21, 2010

Ruling concerning placing the Mus-haf on pure ground

On the authority of Aboo Ruqayyah, Tameem bin Aws al-Daaree radiyaAllahu ‘anhu that the Prophet said ‘The Religion is sincere advice’ we said to whom? He replied ‘To Allah, to His Kitaab, His Messenger, the leaders of the muslims and masses. [Muslim, Kitaab al-Eemaan no. 55]

Shaykh ibn Uthaymeen – may Allah have mercy upon him – said whilst talking about the rights of the Book of Allah the Most High:

As for the placing of the Mus-haf on the pure ground, then there is nothing wrong in that and there is no problem since this is not a means to degrade the Qur’aan nor disgrace it. And this happens alot amongst the people when they pray and read from the Mus-haf and go into sujuud [prostration] placing the Qur’aan between their hands then this is not considered disgrace nor a form of degrading towards the Mus-haf and there is no problem in this.

And Allah knows best


  1. deeeeeeeeeep, i was loooking for this

    jazakhalllahu khayr, i hope u continue this dawah, knowing that it helped me very much. and others too inshalllah..

  2. wa iyak, insha'Allah I will continue the Dawah biz'nillah.

    may Allah grant us all Tawfeeq!
