Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Guidlines to being a Lion
By: *by anonymous sistasss

1. If a Lion has girls on Facebook, then he ain't a Lion.

2. If a Lion has pictures on Facebook, then he ain't a Lion. (Real Lions are undercover)

3.If a Lion trims his beard, then he ain't a Lion. A man without a beard is like a Lion without a mane.

4. If a Lion claims that it's lawful to trim less than a fistful, then he ain't a Lion. A real Lion would know
that the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wasalam) COMMANDED the brothers to let it grow!

5. If a Lion refutes the above statment, then he ain't a Lion. (Real Lions act upon what the Prophet (Sallallahu alayhi wasalam)
legislated, real talk)

6. If you see a Lion with a sister and you KNOW that ain't HIS sister then he ain't a real Lion.

7. If a Lion doesn't have Sunnah swagger, then he ain't a real Lion. Real Lions have their pants ROLLED SON.

8. Real Lions lower their gaze.

9. A Real Lion will holla at your Wali before he holla's at your. He knows that if it doesn't start right, it wont't end right.

10. If you reading this and you don't relate to any of this, then you A REAL LION !


  1. Mashallah! Very nice of you for posting this beautiful ,wise and important post in a creative way.I i will post it on my blog too one day Inshallah.

  2. nice piece, however, i disagree with points on the beard, its well known and a valid opinion of some scholars that if the beard is longer then a handful it may be cut up to that point, but nothing less then the hand full and allah knows best.

    other than that great piece

  3. @ Anonymous: it fully says "If a Lion claims that it's lawful to trim less than a fistful,"

    fistfull and handful mean the exact same thing. so there is no need for you really to disagreee
