Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatu
Sighh, happly jobless! . . . NOT
Lost my job =(, got laid off cause of slow business.
Really a sad day at my work place because people were being laid off left , right and center! Wow, Subhan'Allah we all never seen it coming at all. Their not getting any business tho so I understand the quick dismal of workers but then again people have school to pay for and in serious situations families to feed. Alhamdulilah, I should be grateful. Plus they said their calling us back when it gets busy again so alhamdulilah, it's for the time being. Make dua for me :(, have to go back to the job searching days. The funny thing is this couldn't have come at a more perfect time lol, your probably like um, are you okay ? Well yes, alhamdulilah I'm fine but mid-terms are around the corner (2 weeks) and I have papers due and essays. What a relief from Allah that I don't have any work so my time is now to concentrate on my studies, tabarak'Allah. I did pay for my education might as well do amazing and put real effort into it since now I have free time on my hands =) // but no lie, having a job gave me a concrete schedule to follow, order, structure..sighh I'll miss it. But then again I love a break =P
I learned today that..
Life is not easy, & to think it keeps getting harder each and every day.
May Allah make it easy for us all, ameen
The One in Need of Allah the Exalted,
Qawlan Saqeela
SubhanAllah, AMEEN!