Sunday, September 12, 2010

Surah Mulk ( Chapter- The Kingdom) recited by Abu Bakr Al Shatri

Asalamu Alaykuma warahmatuallahi wabarakatu

I hope you all enjoy this reading of the Holy Quran, it's absolutely beautiful meaning is surely going to leave you in tears. Ponder over it's meaning and Alhamdulilah it provides the translation and some serious images that will have you thinking.

One of my favourite recitors is Abu Bakr Al Shatri, heres a bit of a bio on the brother.

Abu Bakr al Shatri, born Abu Bakr Ibn Mohamed Al Shatri in 1970 in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia), is Saudi imam and Qur’an reciter.

Abu Bakr Al Shatri grew up in Jeddah and graduated in Holy Qur’an Studies from Cheikh Aymane Rochdi Suwaid in 1416 Hijri and then earned a master in accountancy four years later.

Abu Bakr Al Shatri has led prayers in many Saudi mosques like Al Rajihi, Said Ibn Jubair (Kandara), Abdullatif Jamil, Attakwa (Al Rawda), AChouiaibi (Assalama). He is currently the imam of Al Furkane Mosque in Hay Annassim, Jeddah.

Abu Bakr Al Shatri participated in numerous Islamic conferences and events in many Muslim countries like Egypt, South Africa, Kuwait, and Bahrain.

Abu Bakr Al Shatri is married and has four children. He is known as Abi Abdarrahmane.

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