Asalamu alaykum warahmatuallahi wabarakatu
Subhan'Allah where to start?
Basically I got lost in finding my ENGLISH classs :( cause they moved the class and it's my first year which made things so hard for me , and the worse thing about this is that I had a 5% Assignment to be done in CLASS =(!
Ya Allahh, sighhh
Like they changed the classroom number =S, making my life so hard. PLUS, I only had that class to go to today, so once again what a WASTE of a travel.
Running UP and down, made me so exhausted & the whole time I couldn't stop thinking 5% 5% 5% !, It's my first year and I'm worried about my marks I don't wanna fail and end up paying for an extra course next semester!
Make dua for me that Allah increases me in patience, Insha'Allah.
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