Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's The Most Horrible Time of the Year

Asalamu alaykum warahmatuallahi wabarakatu

It's Sunday morning and I'm awake at 7:39am, subhan'Allah some may think I've lost my mind. It really is to early to be up at this time but because now that summer is officially over for me, I have to force myself to wake up early in order to commute to school. Yup, I'm talking about 8am or 9am classes and it isn't a piece of cake when school happens to be an hour away! sighh
& My schedule has been messed up due to several things such as summer itself lol and work and now school. School is good for keeping someones time occupied but it can take a toll on a student, plus not to mention tuition isn't getting any lower so students like me who want to be debt free (no Riba for me) after 4 yrs need to work for it now =(

On the bright side, I have Starbucks, Tim Hortons, Second Cup lool
Hopefully all there when I need them during, : Exams, Study sessions, All-nighters
Yep, caffeine ! (even tho I crash afterwards, it's still worth it :D)
--remember 8am classes, like who can function properly that early ?

I'll never understand, whyyyyyy !

Another thing is, now that schools starting means more bloggingg Alhamdulilah!
Many, many things to talk about and tips on how to deal with situations and always remembering Allah (god) throughout everything we do.

The One in Need of Allah the Exalted,
Qawlan Saqeela

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