Saturday, September 11, 2010


Asalamu Alaykum Warahmatuallahi Wabarakatu

I hope you all enjoyed your Eid, & Eid Mubarak to you and yours.

Eid was beautiful, the people all dressed in their best cloths and look amazing, families coming together, people giving salaam to one another.

Ma Sha Allah

Truly a blessing to live threw another Ramadan,
& May Allah allow us to see the next one!Ameeen

+I love hennaaaa & around Eid time its a must!

I literally got off work yesterday and was going home, & this Kenyan lady that has a store near by was OPEN!, lol & it was 10pm! Alhamdulilah is all I thought, cause seriously what are the odds of that. The NIGHT BEFORE EID?! 1 in a millionn -- (Yes , she is Muslim aswell)

All that matters is that I got it done on time, Alhamdulilah.

The One In Need of Allah the Exalted,
Qawlan Saqeela

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