Saturday, June 29, 2013

10 Ways to Escape the Envy of the Envious Person

Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu ‘ala rasulullaah

10 Ways to Escape the Envy of the Envious Person
From the works of Imam Ibnul-Qayyim(rahimahullaah),
Relayed by Abu ‘Abdillaah Hassan as-Somali (hafidhahullaah)
No doubt, the envier (haasid) can harm the one whom he envies.
- Soorat al-Falaaq comprises seeking refuge in Allaah from every evil in this world!
- If you fear Allaah, their plots and plans will never harm you.
- The harm of the haasid will eventually come back to strike him.
- Imam Maalik (rahimahullaah) said: “Whatever is done for Allaah, it will remain. Whatever is not will perish.”
- Rectification starts with the person himself, then his family, and so forth; not as the khawaarij do by blaming the Muslim rulers for their own errors and sins.
- Giving sadaqah has a great effect in repelling the evil eye (al-’ayn); it’s very rare that someone who is a MuHsin and gives sadaqah, sacrificing for the sake of Allaah ‘Azza wa Jall, it’s rare that this type of person is affected in this way.
- If you fear Allaah, Allaah will make the creation fear you.

The 10 Ways - point-by-point – to escape the envy of the envious person:
1- Seeking refuge in Allaah from the evil of the haasid (the envious one).
2- Fearing Allaah, Subhanahu wa Ta’aala.
3- Being patient when dealing with this enemy, and not wasting time via confronting him or arguing with him.
4- Tawakkul (relying on Allaah).
5- Don’t even allow your heart to become occuppied with the envier’s foolishness, and try your best to erase it from your thoughts.
6- Turning to Allaah and being sincere to Allaah, and making the love of seeking Allaah’s Pleasure and repenting to Allaah one’s main primary concern.
7- Repenting to Allaah for sins which allowed the enemy to gain asendancy over him; no one is given the ability to overpower a slave except due to that’s slave’s sins (sins he knows of and the sins he may not know of).
8- Giving sadaqah and treating others well.
9- Repelling the evil with good - and this is from the most difficult upon the soul.
10- Implementing and actualizing Tawheed, which in reality encompasses everything that has preceded, and it revolves around it. And for one to actualize Tawheed, he must learn it. One should learn Tawheed and the right of Allaah upon His slaves.
For the proofs and details, Maa-sha`Allaah, listen to the highly beneficial audio @

Just Learn your Religion and Do Not Burden yourself with Fiqh al-Waaqi’ (science of the current affairs) and Political agitations – ash-Shaykh Muhammad Amaan bin ‘Alee al-Jaamee

“Until when will we say: ‘Know, may Allaah have mercy upon you’?”ash-Shaykh al-’Allaamah Muhammad Amaan bin ‘Alee al-Jaamee

A student of knowledge asks how he should seek knowledge, how he should study the books he’s studying and how he should stick to the scholars.

In short:

Sadly, the small students of knowledge in this time busy themselves with siyaasah (politics) while they don’t know the meaning of siyaasah. It is often the case that students come to my house when I arrive here, in ar-Riyaad and in al-Kharj. I was expecting them to ask me questions related to knowledge, but instead they ask me about the agitations, the jamaa’aat (groups) and the ideologies. They busy themselves [with this].

Whoever wants to seek knowledge should turn himself completely away from the traces of [political] agitation and he should begin with memorizing the small books. He should begin with al-Usool ath-Thalaathah (the Three Fundamentals) and not pay any attention to the statement of the agitating troublemakers who say, “Until when will we say: ‘Know, may Allaah have mercy upon you’? Until when?”

Until you die, you will say these words! And when you die you will be asked in your grave about that which you used to ridicule: “Who is your Lord? What is your religion? Who is your Prophet?” You ridicule this in your life, while you will be asked in your grave about that which you used to ridicule. The first thing you will be asked about, is the meaning of al-Usool ath-Thalaathah.

Don’t pay any attention to this harmful agitation! Memorize this small book which contains Tawheed, the rulings and the actualisation of the statement of Tawheed. Nawaaqid al-Islaam (the Nullifiers of Islaam) and al-Qawaa’id al-Arba’ (the Four Principles): memorize these like the memorisation of al-Faatihah. Then go to the students of knowledge so that they can explain it to you and so that you understand it.

I am sure that a student of knowledge who understands al-Usool ath-Thalaathah; if he was sent as a daa’iyah (caller) to a non-Arabic country, he would become [like] ibn Taymiyyah there (in the eyes of the people). With al-Usool ath-Thalaathah! And this is something which has been noticed before. If you have memorized this text and understood it, and you stand there between the Africans and Asians explaining al-Usool ath-Thalaathah to them, then you will be [like] ibn Taymiyyah there. But, all praise is due to Allaah, their children there are memorizing it, but they need someone to explain it to them. Don’t let them lead you to destruction! Don’t let those, who don’t [sincerely] advise, lead you to destruction!

Memorize these books: Kitaab at-Tawheed, al-Bayqooniyyah, al-Arba’een an-Nawawiyyah. These books! You busy yourselves here [with other things], while the children of the Muslims in India, Pakistan and Africa are memorizing these books. With these two ears of me I listened to African youth while they were memorizing al-Usool ath-Thalaathah, Kashf ash-Shubuhaat, Kitaab at-Tawheed and al-Arba’een an-Nawawiyyah. I stood there in the classroom listening to them while they were memorizing [these texts] like the memorisation of al-Faatihah.

This is because the [political] agitation has not reached that place; they are upon al-Fitrah (natural disposition). We ask Allaah to protect them from that which has affected many of the youth. So memorize these texts and then go to the Scholars and the students of knowledge (for the explanation). Then you can continue with more detailed and advanced [books]. Begin with the small affairs of knowledge, until you reach the big affairs of knowledge – if this expression is correct.

This is how the one who wants to seek knowledge progresses. And he should never listen to these agitations which take place around him! A person might say to himself, “Does this mean that you want us to live isolated from the world, and that we don’t have any knowledge about Fiqh al-Waaqi’ (science of the current affairs)?”

As for Fiqh al-Waaqi’: listen to the radio and read the newspaper sometimes. Fiqh al-Waaqi’ will reach you while you are walking in the street, while you are in the car or at home.

Do not burden yourself [with this], just learn [your religion] and stick to knowledge.

Translated by Yâsîn Abu Ibrâhîm

10 Ways to Escape the Envy of the Envious Person

Bismillaah Al-Hamdulillaah wa salatu wa salaamu ‘ala rasulullaah

10 Ways to Escape the Envy of the Envious Person
From the works of Imam Ibnul-Qayyim(rahimahullaah),
Relayed by Abu ‘Abdillaah Hassan as-Somali (hafidhahullaah)
No doubt, the envier (haasid) can harm the one whom he envies.
- Soorat al-Falaaq comprises seeking refuge in Allaah from every evil in this world!
- If you fear Allaah, their plots and plans will never harm you.
- The harm of the haasid will eventually come back to strike him.
- Imam Maalik (rahimahullaah) said: “Whatever is done for Allaah, it will remain. Whatever is not will perish.”
- Rectification starts with the person himself, then his family, and so forth; not as the khawaarij do by blaming the Muslim rulers for their own errors and sins.
- Giving sadaqah has a great effect in repelling the evil eye (al-’ayn); it’s very rare that someone who is a MuHsin and gives sadaqah, sacrificing for the sake of Allaah ‘Azza wa Jall, it’s rare that this type of person is affected in this way.
- If you fear Allaah, Allaah will make the creation fear you.

The 10 Ways - point-by-point – to escape the envy of the envious person:
1- Seeking refuge in Allaah from the evil of the haasid (the envious one). 
2- Fearing Allaah, Subhanahu wa Ta’aala. 
3- Being patient when dealing with this enemy, and not wasting time via confronting him or arguing with him. 
4- Tawakkul (relying on Allaah). 
5- Don’t even allow your heart to become occuppied with the envier’s foolishness, and try your best to erase it from your thoughts. 
6- Turning to Allaah and being sincere to Allaah, and making the love of seeking Allaah’s Pleasure and repenting to Allaah one’s main primary concern. 
7- Repenting to Allaah for sins which allowed the enemy to gain asendancy over him; no one is given the ability to overpower a slave except due to that’s slave’s sins (sins he knows of and the sins he may not know of). 
8- Giving sadaqah and treating others well. 
9- Repelling the evil with good - and this is from the most difficult upon the soul. 
10- Implementing and actualizing Tawheed, which in reality encompasses everything that has preceded, and it revolves around it. And for one to actualize Tawheed, he must learn it. One should learn Tawheed and the right of Allaah upon His slaves.
For the proofs and details, Maa-sha`Allaah, listen to the highly beneficial audio @

His Own Soul

"Whoever does righteousness - it is for his [own] soul; and whoever does evil [does so] against it. And your Lord is not ever unjust to [His] servants." [41:46] 

Test You with Something

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return." [2:155-156]

Sunday, June 9, 2013

- Are They Equal ?

“Allah presents an example: a slave owned by quarreling partners and another belonging exclusively to one man - are they equal in comparison? Praise be to Allah ! But most of them do not know.” [39:29] 

Those Who Misled Us

And those who disbelieved will [then] say, “Our Lord, show us those who misled us of the jinn and men [so] we may put them under our feet that they will be among the lowest.” [41:29]

Saturday, June 8, 2013

True Righteousness

“Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous.” 2:177

Personal 171

SubhanAllaah it has definitely been a while since I've posted on my blog which I do apologize for, life literally has swept me away but regardless alhamdulilah I've been doing well :) Many things have happened since the last post in January till now in June, its been a long hiatus but I assure you all that posting shall become frequent again inshaAllaah. On a brighter note, RAMADAN 2013 is around the corner which is super exciting and I love this time of year subhanallah worship, fasting, family time, repentance and so much things sum up this special time of year for me. It's almost scary realizing how soon Ramadan has approached us but by the help of Allah, I hope this Ramadan is better then the last for each and every one of us ! Basically a month left, we should think about preparing ourselves in terms of fasting, giving sadaqa, breaking bad habits and starting new ones. I'm trying really hard not to let the events of this last month before Ramadan distract me such as weddings, events and outings etc and you should as well inshaAllah...May Allah make it easy upon us all to prepare for this Ramadan, ameen!

The Harvest

Whoever desires the harvest of the Hereafter - We increase for him in his harvest. And whoever desires the harvest of this world - We give him thereof, but there is not for him in the Hereafter any share.” [42:20]

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Effects of Sins

Author: Ibn al-Qayyim
Source: Al-Jawab al-Kaafi
Article ID : TZK050002 [10928]

ONE. The Prevention of Knowledge: Knowledge is a light which Allaah throws into the heart and disobedience extinguishes this light.

Imaam Shaafi'ee said:

I complained to Wakee' about the weakness of my memory
So he ordered me to abandon disobedience
And informed me that the knowledge is light
And that the light of Allaah is not given to the disobedient
TWO. The Prevention of Sustenance: Just as Taqwaa brings about sustenance, the abandonment of Taqwaa causes poverty. There is nothing which can bring about sustenance like the abandonment of disobedience

THREE. The prevention of obedience (to Allaah). If there was no other punishment for sin other than that it prevents one from obedience to Allaah then this would be sufficient.

FOUR. Disobedience weakens the heart and the body. Its weakening the heart is something which is clear. Disobedience does not stop weakening it until the life of the heart ceases completely.

FIVE. Disobedience reduces the lifespan and destroys any blessings. Just as righteousness increases the lifespan, sinning reduces it.

SIX. Disobedience sows its own seeds and gives birth to itself until separating from it and coming out of it becomes difficult for the servant.

SEVEN. Sins weaken the hearts will and resolve so that the desire for disobedience becomes strong and the desire to repent becomes weak bit by bit until the desire to repent is removed from the heart completely.

EIGHT. Every type of disobedience is a legacy of a nation from among the nations which Allaah Azzawajall destroyed. Sodomy is a legacy of the People of Lot, taking more than one's due right and giving what is less is a legacy of the People of Shu'ayb, seeking greatness in the land and causing corruption is a legacy of the People of Pharoah and pride/arrogance and tyranny is a legacy of the People of Hud. So the disobedient one is wearing the gown of some of these nations who were the enemies of Allaah.

NINE. Disobedience is a cause of the servant being held in contempt by his Lord. Al-Hasan al-Basree (rh) said: They became contemptible in (His sight) so they disobeyed Him. If they were honourable (in His sight) He would have protected them. Allah the Exalted said:

And whomsoever Allaah lowers (humiliates) there is none to give honour. [Hajj 22:18]

TEN. The ill-effects of the sinner fall upon those besides him and also the animals as a result of which they are touched by harm.

ELEVEN. The servant continues to commit sins until they become very easy for him and seem insignificant in his heart and this is a sign of destruction. Every time a sin becomes insignificant in the sight of the servant it becomes great in the sight of Allaah.

Ibn Mas'ood (ra) said: Indeed, the believer sees his sins as if he was standing at the foot of a mountain fearing that it will fall upon him and the sinner sees his sins like a fly which passes by his nose so he tries to remove it by waving his hand around. [Bukhaaree]
TWELVE. Disobedience inherits humiliation and lowliness. Honour, all of it, lies in the obedience of Allaah.
Abdullaah ibn al-Mubaarak said:

I have seen sins kill the hearts
And humiliation is inherited by their continuity
The abandonment of sins gives life to the hearts
And the prevention of your soul is better for it

THIRTEEN. Disobedience corrupts the intellect. The intellect has light and disobedience extinguishes this light. When the light of the intellect is extinguished it becomes weak and deficient.

FOURTEEN. When disobedience increases, the servant's heart becomes sealed so that he becomes of those who are heedless. The Exalted said:

But no! A stain has been left on their hearts on account of what they used to earn (i.e. their actions) [Mutaffifeen 83:14]

FIFTEEN. Sins cause the various types of corruption to occur in the land. Corruption of the waters, the air, the plants, the fruits and the dwelling places. The Exalted said:

Mischief has appeared on the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have earned; that He may give them a taste of some of (the actions) they have done, in order that they may return. [Rum 30:41]

SIXTEEN. The disappearance of modesty which is the essence of the life of the heart and is the basis of every good. Its disappearance is the disappearance of all that is good. It is authentic from the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) that he said: Modesty is goodness, all of it [Bukhaaree and Muslim]
A Poet said:
And by Allaah, there is no good in life Or in the world when modesty goes

SEVENTEEN. Sins weaken and reduce the magnification of Allaah, the Mighty in the heart of the servant

EIGHTEEN. Sins are the cause of Allaah forgetting His servant, abandoning him and leaving him to fend for himself with his soul and his shaytaan and in this is the destruction from which no deliverance can be hoped for.

NINETEEN. Sins remove the servant from the realm of Ihsaan (doing good) and he is prevented from (obtaining) the reward of those who do good. When Ihsaan fills the heart it prevents it from disobedience.

TWENTY. Disobedience causes the favours (of Allaah) to cease and make His revenge lawful. No blessing ceases to reach a servant except due to a sin and no retribution is made lawful upon him except due to a sin. Alee (ra) said: No trial has descended except due to a sin and it (the trial) is not repelled except by repentance. Allaah the Exalted said:

Whatever misfortune afflicts you then it is due to what your hands have earned and (yet) He pardons many [Shura 42:30]

And the Exalted also said:
That is because never will Allaah change the favour He has bestowed on a people until they change what is with themselves [Anfaal 8:53]

He Draws Me Close

Dhul-Nuun used to repeat these verses by night:

Seek for yourselves
The likes of what I have found.
I have found a place of rest wherein
He never falters in His love:
If I move away, He draws me close
And if I move closer, He draws night.

- Aboo Nu`aym, vol. 9, p. 357 no. 14112